Hello World!

Welcome! My name is Matthew Liu and I am a software engineer.

About Me

About Me

I am a software engineer working in the energy sector focused on low code / no code product development. I have a background in science and education and am passionate about people, learning, design, and problem solving.

My hobbies include enjoying the outdoors, playing basketball and tennis, cooking with a scientific eye, and teaching the subjects I love (chemistry, physics, biology, computer science, <--- Oxford comma and math).

See my Portfolio


Personal Page
HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap

mattyliu.github.io (2022)

Fork of a start bootstrap template populated with my personal content. Also used as a sandbox for testing new libraries (Bootstrap 5, Vite)

Data Visualization
The Populartimes Manhattan
JavaScript, Google Maps API, Google Places API

Populartimes (2018)

Visualize when places get busy with Google Maps using real data from Google Places, written with JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS.

Rails, React, Redux, PostgreSQL

petLove (2017)

Setup playdates for your pets, inspired by OKCupid! Built on React/Redux frontend, with a RESTful JSON API backend.

JavaScript Library

DOMination (2017)

Manipulate the DOM at your will! JavaScript library inspired by jQuery to help learn DOM manipulation.

Favorite Tooling

Python logo
Vue.js logo
Webpack logo
Node logo
NPM logo
Yarn logo
Visual Studio Code logo
Jest logo
Bootstrap logo
Linux logo
Git logo
Gitlab logo
Docker logo
Jenkins logo

Past Tooling

flask logo
Java logo
Spring logo
MySQL logo
Postgres logo
Tomcat logo

Professional Accomplishments / Experience

Helped create the Interconnection Life Cycle Management (ILCM) product with a feature suite to address the interconnection lifecycle demands by the general public and utilities.

Product provides an easier and cheaper way for utilities to manage the large influx of interconnection applications as well as adapt to the rapidly changing regulatory requirements public utilities' face. Product was built to be ADA compliant (accessibility - a11y), localization (l10n) and internationalization (i18n) ready, easily rebrandable, and improved end user experience (responsive web pages, modern interface, improved ux flows).

ILCM sped up the interconnection process from 3 months to 2 weeks and improved utility operational efficiency. Product continues to be developed, and expanding its integration with popular utility vendors (SAP, DocuSign, PayPal).
Overhauled a legacy system's ui/ux to meet modern standards in visual design and user experience. Effort factored in good web standard practices (a11y, responsiveness) which were also legal requirements for our clients.

Level A ADA compliance (a11y)
Work included but not limited to:
  • Rewrite and refactor of frontend code (cleanup / salvaging process)
  • Generating semantically correct markup
  • Screen reader support (i.e. ARIA labels, img alt, element role, etc...)
  • Visual style updates for users with poor vision (sufficient color contrast, text sizing, etc...).
To complement this effort, provided documentation, automated testing, and integration with an ADA testing vendor to catch any regression.

Responsive Page Design
Updated a web application's frontend pages to work on devices of varying screen sizes.
Supported migration of a software stack from a traditional single server setup (webapp, database, etc...) to a cloud based containerized setup. The architechure was decomposed into their cloud equvilent part within AWS (EC2, RDS, ECS, ECR, Lambda, S3, EFS, ...)

Migration into the cloud reduced infrastructure costs, eased scalability, and simplified software deployments to be more reliable and predictable.
Helped transform a legacy frontend code base (.jsp / tiles.xml / Knockout / jQuery) to follow modern frontend standards and utilize modern frontend tooling (Webpack, babel, Vue.js, Yarn). Utilized modern bundlers/transpilers to support modern javascript, enable cross browser compatability, improved frontend developer experience by introducing the use of a frontend development server with hot module replacement, added unit testing framework with Jest, provided an internal component library with documentation of how to utilize the core styles.

Work vastly improved the developer experience and made the frontend code more approachable for non frontend developers and new engineers and created an improved and consistent user expereience and user interface.

Let's Get In Touch!

Interested in getting in touch? Call or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!